Our new report ‘The Cost of Perinatal Depression and Anxiety in Australia’ highlights key findings on the economic costs of Perinatal Depression and Anxiety.

View the media release here

Perinatal depression and anxiety cost Australia $877 million in the first year they present in affected parents. There are also additional impacts over the following years and lifetime, with the overall costs of perinatal mental illness reaching $7.3 billion.

The report shows that in the first year of perinatal mental illness $643 million in productivity losses occurs, while $227 million is incurred in health costs. A further $7 million is lost due to social and wellbeing impacts.

These figures highlight the true impact of PNDA on Australian families and communities, as well as on the health system. By understanding these impacts we can ensure there are more pathways to prevention and early intervention, better access to care for families who need it, and identify new areas for sector collaboration. 

Perinatal depression and anxiety affects 1 in 5 Australia mothers, and 1 in 10 fathers or partners. Different risk factors exist among fathers and partners, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities and LGBTIQ+ communities.

Peach Tree continues to provide an essential support service for parents affected by perinatal mental health conditions and we are working in partnership with other likeminded organisations to improve the health and wellbeing of all Australian families. 

November 2019